Once I reached the age where I could read to myself, my mother rarely read to me, especially not long chapter books. I don't remember how old I was when my she brought Dragonsong into my bedroom one night, but I remember the remarkable feeling when a mother and daughter share something magical. For us, it was a book. She went on to read me Dragonsinger and Dragondrums.
By then I was hooked. I quickly gobbled up characters and series like Acorna, The Ship Who Sang, Doona, Freedom, and my favorite, The Talents series of which Pegasus in Flight is by far one of my favorite sci-fi books of all time. It hasn't made many of my lists on here because it is typically considered an adult book, although I venture to say it is YA as all the main characters in it are teens. I did notice that occasionally Anne McCaffrey wrote some rather strange books, my least favorite being The Crystal Singer.
Even so, Anne McCaffrey has become a staple in the sci-fi and fantasy community, creating worlds that mothers want to pass on to their daughters. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you would no be forgotten as soon as you are dead either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." Anne, you did just that. She will forever be in my heart and on my bookshelf.