The real confession is this: I am jealous of my fellow writers.
A few times now I have been asked to review a book or feature a book or interview an author and I have not done so for various reasons. The first being that I made it a steadfast rule from the beginning to never review the book of a friend or classmate. I have no regrets with this rule other than the fact that you, my readers, never get to hear about some of the amazing books written by my wonderful colleagues. The jealousy part doesn't play a part in any of this other than to make me feel like a terribly lazy writer every time one of them publishes something new. On the one hand I am excited for them and yet on the other...
So without further ado, here are some of the most recent books of some of the people that I consider my colleagues and friends that one day I will join the ranks of if I can only pry myself away from the television.