Inherit the Stars by Tessa Elwood
Publisher: Running Press Kids
Release Date: December 8, 2015
Three royal houses, all on the brink of collapse must ally together for mutual survival. And so it is agreed that the heir to the House of Fane shall marry the son of the House of Westlet. Asa is the youngest of the three daughters of the House of Fane. When her eldest and closest sister is injured and in a coma, Asa never leaves her side, sure that with the right treatment Wren will wake. Her father has other plans though. If Wren is pulled from life support, Emmie, the middle daughter will then be the heir and can complete the blood bond between Fane and Westlet. Asa cannot allow that to happen. So she secretly drugs her sister and takes her place as Eagle's bride. However, Asa's actions, although possibly saving Wren from death, has ruined everything else.
This book was sent to me from a former classmate who, for some reason thought that this would be my type of book. She was right. Perhaps it was because of the vague Dune-like quality in the book with the various houses and their political allegiances. Maybe it was the fact that, for the first time in a long time, there is a character who actually goes into a marriage not kicking and screaming. Sure, the reasons are a bit unconventional, however Asa has very little worries about the marriage itself. This may be a bit of immaturity on her part, but I found it refreshing. Of course, there is a love story, but it progressed at a pace that felt realistic, rather than headlong Romeo & Juliet. Asa finds herself caring for Eagle little by little. The lie she tells about how they met becomes more and more tinged with words of love.
I also liked how the story centered around love, but not a romantic kind. A love between two sisters. After all, this is the reason she has done everything. Without giving too much away, Asa finds a deep love even for those that she had previously only felt vaguely connected to. A great sci-fi that I think would be accessible to those who aren't exactly sci-fi readers either. I am not sure what age level this is supposed to be, but I would place it in the young young adult category. Perfect for grades 5-8.
I also managed to "sell" this book to the woman who was drawing my blood at the doctor's office. She asked what I was reading, I told her about three sentences, and as I was getting ready to leave, she asked for the title to write it down. I just so happened to have the postcard that came with the book (thanks Polly!) and handed it over. Came back a week later and she said she had bought it.
Inherit the Stars by Tessa Elwood Book Review
Posted by
on Monday, May 30, 2016
intermediate book review,
Young Adult Review
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Spot, the Cat by Henry Cole Book Review
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on Sunday, May 29, 2016
picture book review
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Spot, the Cat by Henry Cole
Publisher: Little Simon
Release Date: March 1, 2016
In this wordless picture book, readers will follow a cat named Spot throughout the city, visiting a park and a farmers market. Meanwhile, just behind Spot is one boy who is looking for his pet, missing him in the hustle and bustle. No worries though, for Spot always returns home in the end.
I am not sure what the intention was of the author, but this book often felt like some kind of Where's Waldo?, I found myself growing bored as I searched through the busy pages for the cat and I found myself longing for a bit of color in this black & white world. Don't get me wrong, the illustrations were beautifully done, but with so much going on on every page, the "story" despite being wordless, was lost. Definitely the kind of book that a kid could spend long minutes poring over each page if they are so inclined.
Publisher: Little Simon
Release Date: March 1, 2016
In this wordless picture book, readers will follow a cat named Spot throughout the city, visiting a park and a farmers market. Meanwhile, just behind Spot is one boy who is looking for his pet, missing him in the hustle and bustle. No worries though, for Spot always returns home in the end.
I am not sure what the intention was of the author, but this book often felt like some kind of Where's Waldo?, I found myself growing bored as I searched through the busy pages for the cat and I found myself longing for a bit of color in this black & white world. Don't get me wrong, the illustrations were beautifully done, but with so much going on on every page, the "story" despite being wordless, was lost. Definitely the kind of book that a kid could spend long minutes poring over each page if they are so inclined.
Are We There Yet? by Dan Santat Book Review
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on Friday, May 27, 2016
picture book review
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Are We There Yet? by Dan Santat
Publisher: Little, Brown Book for Young Readers
Release Date: April 12, 2016
It doesn't matter if the trip is ten minutes or ten hours, anyone who has driven a kid around will be asked this question eventually. In Dan Santat's newest book we follow one family as time doesn't just crawl by, but actually begins to go backward, sending the family vehicle back in time to pirates and dinosaurs and Ancient Egypt.
Santat perfectly captures the feeling of time dragging by with one very clever and imaginative boy. Readers are taken throughout history and as with all of Santat's book, it is so bright and lively, illustrated to perfection. There is also a great section of the book where they end up in the future where the robot speaks in QR code. That's right, readers will need to scan the book with a mobile device and a QR reading app in order to see what the robot is saying. Personally, I thought this was brilliant as it was a surprisingly interactive moment that you don't usually get with a print book. Such a fun book and the perfect present for any kid who finds road trips a little boring.
Publisher: Little, Brown Book for Young Readers
Release Date: April 12, 2016
It doesn't matter if the trip is ten minutes or ten hours, anyone who has driven a kid around will be asked this question eventually. In Dan Santat's newest book we follow one family as time doesn't just crawl by, but actually begins to go backward, sending the family vehicle back in time to pirates and dinosaurs and Ancient Egypt.
Santat perfectly captures the feeling of time dragging by with one very clever and imaginative boy. Readers are taken throughout history and as with all of Santat's book, it is so bright and lively, illustrated to perfection. There is also a great section of the book where they end up in the future where the robot speaks in QR code. That's right, readers will need to scan the book with a mobile device and a QR reading app in order to see what the robot is saying. Personally, I thought this was brilliant as it was a surprisingly interactive moment that you don't usually get with a print book. Such a fun book and the perfect present for any kid who finds road trips a little boring.
The Wildest Race Ever by Meghan McCarthy Book Review
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on Wednesday, May 25, 2016
non-fiction review,
picture book review
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The Wildest Race Ever: The Story of the 1904 Olympic Marathon by Meghan McCarthy
Publisher: Paula Wiseman Books
Release Date: March 1, 2016
It was 1904 and St. Louis was hosting the World's Fair and America's First Olympics. People traveled from all over the country and the world to watch and participate. One of the strangest things to happen at that years Olympics was the marathon. Forty-two racers registered, thirty-two showed up, and most managed to make it to the finish line one way or another. Unpleasantly warm weather conditions contributed to heat exhaustion in the runners since there weren't enough food and water stations. Cars drove by on the dirt road kicking up dirt and dust that made it hard to see or breathe. One runner from Cuba, showed up in street clothes and seemed more interested in chatting with people along the way than he did with running. One runner was run off the road by stray dogs. Another jumped in a car and drove some of the way before crossing the finish line looking rather refreshed. (He was later disqualified for cheating) And lets not forget the craziest bit, the notion that strychnine would give you strength and so the runners were being given doses of the poison...and still managed to finish the race.
This race was like a series of unfortunate events. It's a wonder anyone managed to finish at all. Make no mistake, most of these people weren't amateurs either. They had qualified to be in the Olympics. The race was simply ill-prepared. The road wasn't closed off to traffic, there weren't enough water stations, and some bad sports medicine added to this bizarre story. It's a wonder any of them managed to finish in such conditions. The cartoony illustrations worked will with this book, capturing the manic bizarre nature of this 1904 race. A lot of great information in the backmatter and will certainly spark the imagination of young Olympic hopefuls.
Publisher: Paula Wiseman Books
Release Date: March 1, 2016
It was 1904 and St. Louis was hosting the World's Fair and America's First Olympics. People traveled from all over the country and the world to watch and participate. One of the strangest things to happen at that years Olympics was the marathon. Forty-two racers registered, thirty-two showed up, and most managed to make it to the finish line one way or another. Unpleasantly warm weather conditions contributed to heat exhaustion in the runners since there weren't enough food and water stations. Cars drove by on the dirt road kicking up dirt and dust that made it hard to see or breathe. One runner from Cuba, showed up in street clothes and seemed more interested in chatting with people along the way than he did with running. One runner was run off the road by stray dogs. Another jumped in a car and drove some of the way before crossing the finish line looking rather refreshed. (He was later disqualified for cheating) And lets not forget the craziest bit, the notion that strychnine would give you strength and so the runners were being given doses of the poison...and still managed to finish the race.
This race was like a series of unfortunate events. It's a wonder anyone managed to finish at all. Make no mistake, most of these people weren't amateurs either. They had qualified to be in the Olympics. The race was simply ill-prepared. The road wasn't closed off to traffic, there weren't enough water stations, and some bad sports medicine added to this bizarre story. It's a wonder any of them managed to finish in such conditions. The cartoony illustrations worked will with this book, capturing the manic bizarre nature of this 1904 race. A lot of great information in the backmatter and will certainly spark the imagination of young Olympic hopefuls.
Rocket and Groot by Tom Angleberger Book Review
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on Monday, May 23, 2016
intermediate book review
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Rocket and Groot: Stranded on Planet Strip Mall! by Tom Angleberger
Publisher: Marvel Press
Release Date: March 8, 2016
After battling deadly space piranhas, Rocket and Groot crash-land on a planet made up of strip malls, crazy robots, and killer toilets. It's an adventure that seems too crazy to believe, even if you are a suped-up Raccoon and a walking tree.
When I first showed this book to my husband, he snarled at it skeptically. As he should. Despite this PG-13 movie being spun for kids by Marvel, this comic book was certainly never meant for children. Rocket in particular is supposed to defy the idea of a cute fluffy woodland creature by having an extreme potty mouth, bad attitude, and a pension for killing. So it is just plain weird to see a kids chapter book with Rocket as the main character. How are they going to pull that off, I wondered.
Apparently, the way to make a potty mouthed character suitable for children is to remove the curse words, add some killer pottys (seriously...killer toilets), and a whole lot of fart jokes. On its own the book is your typical middle grade book with just enough pictures for the Wimpy Kid crowd and just enough text for the gatekeepers. It is funny as long as you enjoy a good fart joke and will appeal to fans of Angleberger's other books. This is fluff fiction to be sure and the kids are going to eat it up. But make no mistake, no matter how cute Rocket is in this book, Guardians of the Galaxy is not made for eight-year-old.
Publisher: Marvel Press
Release Date: March 8, 2016
After battling deadly space piranhas, Rocket and Groot crash-land on a planet made up of strip malls, crazy robots, and killer toilets. It's an adventure that seems too crazy to believe, even if you are a suped-up Raccoon and a walking tree.
When I first showed this book to my husband, he snarled at it skeptically. As he should. Despite this PG-13 movie being spun for kids by Marvel, this comic book was certainly never meant for children. Rocket in particular is supposed to defy the idea of a cute fluffy woodland creature by having an extreme potty mouth, bad attitude, and a pension for killing. So it is just plain weird to see a kids chapter book with Rocket as the main character. How are they going to pull that off, I wondered.
Apparently, the way to make a potty mouthed character suitable for children is to remove the curse words, add some killer pottys (seriously...killer toilets), and a whole lot of fart jokes. On its own the book is your typical middle grade book with just enough pictures for the Wimpy Kid crowd and just enough text for the gatekeepers. It is funny as long as you enjoy a good fart joke and will appeal to fans of Angleberger's other books. This is fluff fiction to be sure and the kids are going to eat it up. But make no mistake, no matter how cute Rocket is in this book, Guardians of the Galaxy is not made for eight-year-old.
The William Hoy Story by Nancy Churnin Book Review
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on Saturday, May 21, 2016
non-fiction review,
picture book review
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The William Hoy Story: How a Deaf Baseball Player Changed the Game by Nancy Churnin
Illustrations by Jez Tuya
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Release Date: March 1, 2016
All William Ellsworth Hoy wanted to do was play baseball. After losing out on a spot on the local deaf team, William practiced even harder eventually earning a position on a professional team. But his struggle was far from over. In addition to the prejudice Hoy faced, he could not hear the umpires' calls. One day he asked the umpire to use hand signals: strike, ball, out. That day he not only got on base but also changed the way the game was played forever. William "Dummy" Hoy became one of the greatest and most beloved players of his time!"
Sometimes I read a book and I feel rather stupid for not ever wondering why something was a particular way. I always assumed that the hand gestures used in baseball where a part of the game from the beginning. I am so happy to hear that there is such a rich an interesting story behind something that has become an integral part of a beloved sport. William Hoy didn't overcome his disability, but rather used it to enhance a sport that he worked so hard to be a part of. Churnin doesn't shy away from tough subjects, like rejection and prejudice, which makes the story feel so much bigger than its picture book format.
Another great picture book biography that will easily earn a place in school libraries and home bookshelves. Perfect for students who are baseball enthusiasts and not.
Illustrations by Jez Tuya
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Release Date: March 1, 2016
All William Ellsworth Hoy wanted to do was play baseball. After losing out on a spot on the local deaf team, William practiced even harder eventually earning a position on a professional team. But his struggle was far from over. In addition to the prejudice Hoy faced, he could not hear the umpires' calls. One day he asked the umpire to use hand signals: strike, ball, out. That day he not only got on base but also changed the way the game was played forever. William "Dummy" Hoy became one of the greatest and most beloved players of his time!"
Sometimes I read a book and I feel rather stupid for not ever wondering why something was a particular way. I always assumed that the hand gestures used in baseball where a part of the game from the beginning. I am so happy to hear that there is such a rich an interesting story behind something that has become an integral part of a beloved sport. William Hoy didn't overcome his disability, but rather used it to enhance a sport that he worked so hard to be a part of. Churnin doesn't shy away from tough subjects, like rejection and prejudice, which makes the story feel so much bigger than its picture book format.
Another great picture book biography that will easily earn a place in school libraries and home bookshelves. Perfect for students who are baseball enthusiasts and not.
Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz Book Review
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on Friday, May 13, 2016
picture book review
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Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz
Illustrations by Eda Kaban
Publisher: Chronicles Books
Release Date: March 1, 2016
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had a...TRUCK?! With a DIG DIG here and a SCOOP SCOOP there, this classic tale plays to the kids who are obsessed with big vehicles.
This is going to be both a review and a rant of sorts, so anyone invested in this book (author, illustrator, etc.) should not take this too personally. I liked this story on its own. The illustrations are bright and colorful, full of the life one expects to find in an illustrated song book.
My rant is with the rehashing of the same story to the point of ad nauseam. Not only does Old MacDonald have a truck, but he also has help from a hen, a dragon, a woodshop, an apartment house, a band, and of course the many many versions of a typical farm. Sure, the picture book audience ages out of a book rather quickly, but is that a reason to keep making the same book over and over. If this was a movie franchise, it would be like remaking The Lion King every five years or so, adding a slight twist, and then expecting people to buy and love it as much as they did the original simply because the kids now didn't see the last one. People lose it when they remake their favorite movies and I find it interesting that people are okay with it happening in books. This is not to say that these books aren't done well, I just wonder what the logic is behind making yet another Old MacDonald book on the part of both the author and the publishers. How easy or hard is it to sell such a concept? Is it like writing an ABC/123 book? Does it matter that there are already a bunch of books like it? Or does the slight twist make it seem different and unique? These are questions I don't have answers to mind you. Just like my movies though, I am far more entertained by books that feel original rather than the rehash of an already familiar topic.
Illustrations by Eda Kaban
Publisher: Chronicles Books
Release Date: March 1, 2016
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had a...TRUCK?! With a DIG DIG here and a SCOOP SCOOP there, this classic tale plays to the kids who are obsessed with big vehicles.
This is going to be both a review and a rant of sorts, so anyone invested in this book (author, illustrator, etc.) should not take this too personally. I liked this story on its own. The illustrations are bright and colorful, full of the life one expects to find in an illustrated song book.
My rant is with the rehashing of the same story to the point of ad nauseam. Not only does Old MacDonald have a truck, but he also has help from a hen, a dragon, a woodshop, an apartment house, a band, and of course the many many versions of a typical farm. Sure, the picture book audience ages out of a book rather quickly, but is that a reason to keep making the same book over and over. If this was a movie franchise, it would be like remaking The Lion King every five years or so, adding a slight twist, and then expecting people to buy and love it as much as they did the original simply because the kids now didn't see the last one. People lose it when they remake their favorite movies and I find it interesting that people are okay with it happening in books. This is not to say that these books aren't done well, I just wonder what the logic is behind making yet another Old MacDonald book on the part of both the author and the publishers. How easy or hard is it to sell such a concept? Is it like writing an ABC/123 book? Does it matter that there are already a bunch of books like it? Or does the slight twist make it seem different and unique? These are questions I don't have answers to mind you. Just like my movies though, I am far more entertained by books that feel original rather than the rehash of an already familiar topic.
Parachute by Danny Parker Book Review
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on Wednesday, May 11, 2016
picture book review
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Illustrations by Matt Ottley
Publisher: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Toby doesn't like heights. That's why he always carries a parachute with him. His parachute makes him feel safe when he has to climb down from his bunk bed or when he's playing on the swings. But one day, Toby's cat gets stuck in a tree, and it's up to Toby to rescue him. With the help of his parachute, Toby reaches his cat and lowers him safely to the ground. But now Toby is stuck in the tree, unless he can conquer his fears.
A cute little story, beautifully illustrated, that focuses on a child's fear and how it is possible to outgrow them. Simple in its execution and yet a story that may resonate with more anxious children. The illustrations really are the true gem though.
When Mischief Came to Town by Katrina Nannestad Book Review
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on Monday, May 9, 2016
intermediate book review
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When Mischief Came to Town by Katrina Nannestad
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Release Date: January 5, 2016
After the terrible loss of her mother, Inge Marie is sent to live on the tiny island of Bornholm in Denmark. Her grandmother is stern and seems upset by Inge Marie's eccentricities, like talking to inanimate objects. Inge is desperate for her grandmother to be proud of her and so she tries to be the dutiful granddaughter, but sometimes it is so hard to behave. Perhaps mischief is exactly what this little island needs though.
I am not entirely sure what I expected when I started this book. Based on the cover, I think something Pippi Longstocking-esque based on the cover and setting perhaps. There was definitely some Pippi Longstocking-like shenanigans going on, but there was also a great deal of pathos that made the story beautifully heavy in places. Inge desperately missed her mom and although she is moving on with her life, that longing doesn't go away overnight. There were numerous time throughout the book where I teared up or full on cried as Inge comes to terms with the loss of her mother. There is also this wonderful character in the grandmother who may seem rather stern in the beginning, but as the story continues one can see the twinkle in her eye before Inge is even aware of it. The grandmother has the nickname of Dizzy and it turns out that Inge and her grandmother may have a lot more in common than Inga first thought. There is also an additional storyline that deals with what happens to orphaned children that don't have a safety net and how they need a family too.
As I have said before, because my husband and I are in the middle of the adoption process, I am much harsher on books with adoption themes. This book was perfect in that respect. It deals with the loss, doesn't shy away from issues, shows different types of adoption, and still had a wonderful story behind it full of fun mischief and a wonderful little girl. And for the modern American reader, it is just distant enough from our home and time period to not be so immediate for children who may be dealing with the same issues.
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Release Date: January 5, 2016
After the terrible loss of her mother, Inge Marie is sent to live on the tiny island of Bornholm in Denmark. Her grandmother is stern and seems upset by Inge Marie's eccentricities, like talking to inanimate objects. Inge is desperate for her grandmother to be proud of her and so she tries to be the dutiful granddaughter, but sometimes it is so hard to behave. Perhaps mischief is exactly what this little island needs though.
I am not entirely sure what I expected when I started this book. Based on the cover, I think something Pippi Longstocking-esque based on the cover and setting perhaps. There was definitely some Pippi Longstocking-like shenanigans going on, but there was also a great deal of pathos that made the story beautifully heavy in places. Inge desperately missed her mom and although she is moving on with her life, that longing doesn't go away overnight. There were numerous time throughout the book where I teared up or full on cried as Inge comes to terms with the loss of her mother. There is also this wonderful character in the grandmother who may seem rather stern in the beginning, but as the story continues one can see the twinkle in her eye before Inge is even aware of it. The grandmother has the nickname of Dizzy and it turns out that Inge and her grandmother may have a lot more in common than Inga first thought. There is also an additional storyline that deals with what happens to orphaned children that don't have a safety net and how they need a family too.
As I have said before, because my husband and I are in the middle of the adoption process, I am much harsher on books with adoption themes. This book was perfect in that respect. It deals with the loss, doesn't shy away from issues, shows different types of adoption, and still had a wonderful story behind it full of fun mischief and a wonderful little girl. And for the modern American reader, it is just distant enough from our home and time period to not be so immediate for children who may be dealing with the same issues.
Friends by Aiko Ikegami Book Review
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on Saturday, May 7, 2016
picture book review
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Friends by Aiko Ikegami
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Release Date: March 1, 2016
A little girl is beginning her first day at school, but she doesn't speak the language and looks different from everyone else. Then she meets a squirrel. Soon she has made friends with all kinds of woodland creatures which leads to human friends too. And when a new student show up, the little girl knows just how to make him feel at home.
Ahh, if only we could all just sit around and then magically make new friends, life would be so much easier. The illustrations in this book are quite lovely, but I found the message to be a little unrealistic. Friends don't just come to you, animal and human alike. It requires patience and work on both parts. Although, I did appreciate the effort she made to make the new kid feel welcome. As someone who has moved a few times now, I get being the new person in a new place and have always taken great care to befriend those who are new because I know what it feels like.
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Release Date: March 1, 2016
A little girl is beginning her first day at school, but she doesn't speak the language and looks different from everyone else. Then she meets a squirrel. Soon she has made friends with all kinds of woodland creatures which leads to human friends too. And when a new student show up, the little girl knows just how to make him feel at home.
Ahh, if only we could all just sit around and then magically make new friends, life would be so much easier. The illustrations in this book are quite lovely, but I found the message to be a little unrealistic. Friends don't just come to you, animal and human alike. It requires patience and work on both parts. Although, I did appreciate the effort she made to make the new kid feel welcome. As someone who has moved a few times now, I get being the new person in a new place and have always taken great care to befriend those who are new because I know what it feels like.
Jazz Day by Roxane Orgill Book Review
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on Friday, May 6, 2016
non-fiction review,
picture book review
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Jazz Day: The Making of a Famous Photograph by Roxane Orgill
Illustrations by Francis Vallejo
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Release Date: March 8, 2016
In 1958, a photo was planned with Esquire magazine to pay tribute to the American jazz scene that was all over Harlem. They were all there, beloved jazz musicians and the kids who looked up to them. Art Kane, the photographer, had sent out word but had no idea if anyone would show up for the photo shoot. Told with poetry, this is the story of how one famous photograph came together.
I thought this book was beautiful and inspired, with some wonderful perspectives that allow the reader to learn about jazz and the people behind the music. Who showed up? Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie, and Thelonious Monk to name a few. Fifty-seven in total. Vallejo illustrates all of this so deftly too, making the various jazz greats come to life in a way that never felt like a caricature.
My biggest question is who the audience is for this book though. Poetic non-fiction already has a very narrow audience, but make it a wordy picture book and it gets narrower. Sadly, I think that this book really isn't for kids. It is for the gatekeepers, librarians and teachers who will love it and put it on their shelves for learning purposes, but I don't see kids picking this up on their own.
Illustrations by Francis Vallejo
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Release Date: March 8, 2016
In 1958, a photo was planned with Esquire magazine to pay tribute to the American jazz scene that was all over Harlem. They were all there, beloved jazz musicians and the kids who looked up to them. Art Kane, the photographer, had sent out word but had no idea if anyone would show up for the photo shoot. Told with poetry, this is the story of how one famous photograph came together.
I thought this book was beautiful and inspired, with some wonderful perspectives that allow the reader to learn about jazz and the people behind the music. Who showed up? Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie, and Thelonious Monk to name a few. Fifty-seven in total. Vallejo illustrates all of this so deftly too, making the various jazz greats come to life in a way that never felt like a caricature.
My biggest question is who the audience is for this book though. Poetic non-fiction already has a very narrow audience, but make it a wordy picture book and it gets narrower. Sadly, I think that this book really isn't for kids. It is for the gatekeepers, librarians and teachers who will love it and put it on their shelves for learning purposes, but I don't see kids picking this up on their own.
The Dead Bird by Margaret Wise Brown Book Review
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on Wednesday, May 4, 2016
picture book review
Comments: (2)
The Dead Bird by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrations by Christian Robinson
Publisher: Harper
Release Date: March 1, 2016
When a group of children find a bird lying on the sidewalk, they are sad to find that it has died. Instead of passing on their way, the children decide to say good-bye. In the park, they dig a hole and cover it in flowers. They speak sweet words over it and sing a song.
A re-illustrated edition of one of Margaret Wise Brown's classic stories, The Dead Bird feels like one of those books that would never have gotten published nowadays. Beautiful in its simplicity, the book is about death, a subject that is relegated to the "issues" section of the bookstore these days. I have met so many parent's these days that try to shield their children from such a subject that I imagine they aren't going to be terribly happy about this one. I mean, I had parents returning That's My Hat because the rabbit is eaten in the end. Then there is the whole children-touching-dead-animals thing that may upset modern parents too.
What I love about this book though is that it is helping perpetuates the idea that death is just a part of life. Life should be respected, as should death. I think it is important to talk about death with children not only because it is a part of life, but so that they understand the concept before they have to deal with it. Less traumatic that way. The new illustrations are quite lovely and much more colorful than the original.
Illustrations by Christian Robinson
Publisher: Harper
Release Date: March 1, 2016
When a group of children find a bird lying on the sidewalk, they are sad to find that it has died. Instead of passing on their way, the children decide to say good-bye. In the park, they dig a hole and cover it in flowers. They speak sweet words over it and sing a song.
A re-illustrated edition of one of Margaret Wise Brown's classic stories, The Dead Bird feels like one of those books that would never have gotten published nowadays. Beautiful in its simplicity, the book is about death, a subject that is relegated to the "issues" section of the bookstore these days. I have met so many parent's these days that try to shield their children from such a subject that I imagine they aren't going to be terribly happy about this one. I mean, I had parents returning That's My Hat because the rabbit is eaten in the end. Then there is the whole children-touching-dead-animals thing that may upset modern parents too.
What I love about this book though is that it is helping perpetuates the idea that death is just a part of life. Life should be respected, as should death. I think it is important to talk about death with children not only because it is a part of life, but so that they understand the concept before they have to deal with it. Less traumatic that way. The new illustrations are quite lovely and much more colorful than the original.
In Memoriam: Anne Tews Schwab
Two years ago I did an interview with one of my former classmates and writer friend, Anne Tews Schwab. Yesterday I found out she passed away unexpectedly. Normally, I would review a book today, but in honor of Anne, I am reposting her interview here and mourning the loss of a wonderful person and a great talent. I will miss her daily pirate poems. She had so many wonderful stories inside her.
Do you recall how your interest in writing as a academic pursuit and career originated?
- I think it all started right after I learned how to write my name ... I was so proud of my new skill, and so eager to share it with the world, that I grabbed a good friend and a pair of red crayons, and my co-author and I went on a writing spree. We wrote and wrote and wrote, covering the outside walls of our houses, our trash cans and our white picket fence. It was my first experience in self publishing and it was thrilling and exhilarating - until my mother discovered our work and handed us a bucket and scrub brush and instructed us to wash it all off. And that was how I first discovered the joy and pain of editing.
What draws you to children’s books specifically?
- The tight truths delivered in straightforward narratives, the subtext available for deep readers to discover, the inquisitive minds of young characters determined to unravel the mysteries of the world as they come of age in times of trouble, war and/or peace.
How do you birth a poem and how does it grow into something like a book?
- I think a poem grows the same way a story does - it all starts with a seedling, an acorn, a random thought, observation, question, revelation, and from there it gathers energy and power, growing in scope and size, gathering companions and forming alliances with other poetic ideas and forms until the group assembles and organizes into something resembling a narrative.
What is your favorite poem in Capsized?
- Probably the diamanté (Black Diamond) about a grand piano. This was such fun to write while working out the puzzle of how to best fit the piano imagery into this distinctive and elegant poetic form!
What is the most challenging part of writing for you?
What have you learned about writing that you didn’t know 5 years ago?
- I think my favorite thing that I've heard over and over and have finally taken to heart as gospel truth is the simple idea of: Write, write, write! In other words, in order to succeed, first you must complete!
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
- I'm working on a draft of an epic novel about pirates and mermaids with a bit of global warming thrown into the mix :) And if I could solve the more hours in the day conundrum, I might finally get it polished!
How can readers discover more about you and you work?
- Check out my book, my website (, my Twitter feed (, my Facebook page (, Amazon author page ( and check out the poems I post daily on each of these.
You write a pirate poems that you post on Facebook, where did the idea of a pirate poem a day come from and is it difficult to maintain?
- I was inspired to write daily poems after a workshopping session at Hamline (where I received my MFA in Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults). We tried a new poetic form every day to begin the session, and after that I was hooked!
Can you describe one of your writing fantasies? Does it include a best-seller, a corrugated display, book tours, school visits? Oprah?
- Well, if I'm dreaming big, then I'd say: my pirate adventure published as a middle grade series that ends up getting picked up by Steven Spielberg and made into a movie.
One last very important question: Have you ever gone out in public with your shirt on backwards, or your slippers on, and when realizing it, just said screw it?
- I've had many dreams (nightmares?) where this has happened but I can't recall it ever happening in real life... But there's always tomorrow!
Let's Play by Hervé Tullet Book Review
Posted by
on Sunday, May 1, 2016
picture book review
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Let's Play by Hervé Tullet
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Release Date: March 29, 2016
It's just a yellow dot, but that isn't just what it does. As in Press Here, readers will find that a little bit of interaction and they yellow dot takes on a life of its own.
I thought Press Here was cute and original. But that has been done and so this book felt a bit old hat, although to be fair it was better than Mix It Up. I think kids are going to like it though.
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Release Date: March 29, 2016
It's just a yellow dot, but that isn't just what it does. As in Press Here, readers will find that a little bit of interaction and they yellow dot takes on a life of its own.
I thought Press Here was cute and original. But that has been done and so this book felt a bit old hat, although to be fair it was better than Mix It Up. I think kids are going to like it though.