From very early in life, LeUyen Pham has been touched with luck. At the age of two, her family escaped on the very last transport ship out of Saigon right before the Vietnam War broke out. Her father worked for the CIA, and his connections helped them escape to California. Despite her parents dream to become a lawyer, and her degree in political science, Pham knew she would never be a lawyer. Pham won a scholarship thanks to a mentoring profesor and spent the next three years in an accelerated art program. Pham then had another stroke of luck when she landed a job just out of college working for Dreamworks. On the side Pham strted to illustrate picture books. Her first book The Sugarcane House was done in pencil illustrations. She has now illustrated over 30 books including Can You Do This, Old Badger?, Big Sister, Little Sister, A Father Like That, Freckleface Strawberry, Alvin Ho, Bedtime for Mommy, God's Dream, and Grace for President.

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