29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy by Lemony Snicket Book Review

29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy by Lemony Snicket
Publisher: McSweeney's McMullens
Release Date: February 11, 2014

There are many myths surrounding the Swinster Pharmacy. 29 are listed in this book. Who is the owner? Is it really closed on the weekends? Why are there three Styrofoam heads in the window? There are many theories, but none will ever hope to shed a light on the mystery that surrounds this little pharmacy.

I have enjoyed many of Lemony Snicket's books over the years, but this one is a terrible bore that was both meandering and pointless. Believe me, I understand the point of it. Children trying to debunk myths surrounding a place with little hope of a resolution. Therein lies the problem though. There is simply no resolution and no point, which made the reading of it feel entirely pointless.

If this book has an audience it lies with adults who will appreciate the strange way the book is crafted as well as the dark tone of the book. I am not saying that children won't understand the book, simply that adults will find it more interesting. Honestly, I feel like I am missing something here and I am not entirely sure what.